रक्षार्थं वेदानाम्
एक कदम जीवन रक्षा की ओर!
Who is there in this world who does not want freedom, fearlessness, happiness, peace, contentment and joy? There is no one who wants sorrow. This is a universal principle and there is no exception to it. All living beings want to attain happiness and get rid of sorrows. But the irony is that fearlessness, freedom, happiness, peace, joy are not sold in any market. Today man has fallen into the deep abyss of ignorance that he is searching for doctors and medicines for physical health, not finding a way to live. Fearful of mental illness, an aimless life surrounded by anger, anxiety, tension and unforeseen apprehensions of future, human beings want to be treated with medicines. While he understands very well that medicines, injections etc. reach only the body, do not reach the mind and restlessness, anger, violence, fear, worry etc. are diseases of the mind and not of the body. No vaccine can be made for the mind. Yes, by putting intoxicants, painkillers in the body, unconsciousness can be created, but it cannot be called a blissful sleep. This is an artificial life, not a natural one, which is only making way for sorrow. No matter how much science keeps on giving confidence that it will solve these mental and physical diseases of human beings, but spirituality says that a person who removes/repels sorrow from medicines, money or materialistic objects and attains eternal happiness and peace. He will make atonement by crying.
Therefore, readers should not think that before this they have read a lot about this subject. So what if you have already read? Let this be another one. Somewhere we are making mistakes, the path to our destiny is lost, so the search for it should continue till it is not found. Who knows, maybe the next page of a book would change your life.
The page of life that you missed, read what you have read again with open eyes, or many pages have turned black by the harmful and decadent literature of modern world for which no one can compensate. It is very painful to regret later in life for not having the knowledge earlier.
Acharya Lokendra:
(Vedic lecturer and philosopher)
Vedas (वेद)
solution to life's problems
Vedas are the most important and oldest texts of Indian culture. The Vedic Mantras were composed by the Almighty, the Supreme Soul, at the beginning of the universe. The knowledge of Vedas is eternal. In every universe, the knowledge given by God to the first man at the time of creation are the Vedas. According to the Vedas, the eternal cycle of creation and destruction goes on forever and will continue till eternity. Read more...
Traitvad (त्रैतवाद)
The Vedas consider the separate existence of these three- God, souls(Atma) and Prakriti(material world). This philosophy is called Triatvad.
In this world there are souls, there is Prakriti(material world) and there is one God. Without these three, nothing can work. Just like, there is a doctor and medicine, but if there is no patient then it makes no sense. Even if there is a patient, there is a doctor and there is no medicine, then also there is no sense. There should be medicine, there should be a doctor and there should also be a patient. Similarly, there should be a shopkeeper, there should be a customer and there should also be a goods. Business cannot run without all three. Like teachers, students and books etc. all should be there. All these souls in this world are like patients and God is like a doctor to cure for disease and Prakriti is like a medicine to reach the goal. Without knowing the separate existence of these three, salvation(moksh) is not possible.
God (ईश्वर)
God is blissful, formless, almighty, just, merciful, unborn, infinite, Immaculate, beginning less, unique, omnipotent, lord of all, omnipresent, omniscient, indestructible, immortal, fearless, eternal, holy and the creator.
Whose name is " Om ".
Soul (जीवात्माएँ)
The word Atma(soul) is derived from the Sanskrit verb "अत सातत्यगमने", which means the one who moves continuously or the one whose dharma is to make continuous effort is soul. It is animate(Chetan) i.e. with conscious power or it is full of knowledge.
It is subtle, stay at one place, immortal, eternal, imperishable, less powerful, less knowledgeable, the conscious comes in bondage with nature. The souls are innumerable, we cannot count them. Only God knows the number of souls.
Prakriti (प्रकृति)
It is the immovable and unconscious element which is also called matter. This inert matter is called "Prakriti" from which the world is made. The word 'Prakriti' prevalent in the world is used for the creation(Srishti) which is not correct. The construction or creation of something is called 'Srishti'. Another name of Prakriti is 'Maya'. Prakriti is not a name for nature or the world but the very basic matter that forms it. This is the material cause of the world, i.e. the the name of material from which the world was created is Prakriti. It is the smallest particle of the world, that is, the root of the whole world(raw material). Read more...
Sorrow (दु:ख)
"प्रतिकूल वेदनीयं दु:खम्।"
Which is hostile to the soul, which is against the mind, which we do not like. The soul/Jiva does not want that. Which is not the nature of the soul. Which we do not accept. That is sorrow. Read more...
Body (शरीर)
To all of us souls, God gives one or the other body as a means. The body within which we perform our work is the means of pleasure and pain and this human body is the means of attaining salvation. Read more...
Health (स्वास्थ्य)
Who is healthy? Before knowing this, the question arises that who is called "healthy"?
"स्वस्थ = स्व+स्थ" That is, to settle into one's own form.
Maharishi Kapil Muni is giving the answer in the 34th sutra of the second chapter of Sankhya Darshan in this way. Read more...
Mind (मन या चित्त)
Through which man contemplates, is mind. The mind is subtle and is of atomic magnitude. Read more...
Intellect (बुद्धि)
As soon as the intellect is called, the brain located in the head comes to our attention. This brain is the physical intellect. The subtle intellect i.e. discretion, which decides the worthy and the unworthy, is not visible. Pure intellect can acquire knowledge of subtle subjects also. The function of the intellect is to acquire knowledge. Whether this thing is useful or harmful, that is to judge. That's why it can also be called a tester. Read more...
Dhyan or Sandhya (ध्यान या संध्या)
Rules for the meditation of God.
Get up 2 hours before sunrise and do meditation or Sandhya after defecation, exercise, bath etc. In case of not taking bath, wash hands, feet and face.
Choose a secluded place, do not change the place every day. Read more...
Yog (योग)
The word 'Yog' in Sanskrit language is derived from the verbs युजिर् योगे, युज् समाधौ and युज् संयमने. Which means connecting, samadhi and restraint.
Today, in the world, the word 'Yog' is called as 'Yoga', which has been removed from its origin. Read more...
Sanatan Dharm (सनातन धर्म)
The one who has been running since time immemorial is Sanatan. The Vedic Dharm is the Sanatan Dharm, because it has always been there. It is universal (for all), eternal (at all times), universal (at all places), scientific, logical and not against the law of creation.
Sanatan Dharm is from the beginning of the universe. It was also there in the previous universe. If we look at its time in this creation, even then since the first time man opened his eyes in the world, till now and as long as this world remains, only Sanatan Dharm will remain. Read more...