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स्वास्थ्य, स्वस्थ जीवन का आधार, सुख व सुविधा का भेद, स्वस्थ रहने के उपाय या नियम, बच्चों के (मानव) के निर्माण के चार स्थान, शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य, बौद्धिक स्वास्थ्य, आध्यात्मिक स्वास्थ्य, Health, physical health, mental health, intellectual health, spiritual health, Foundation of healthy living, Difference between comfort and convenience, Ways to stay healthy, (Four places of creation of children (human)

Health (स्वास्थ्य)

Who is healthy? Before knowing this, the question arises that who is called "healthy"?

"स्वस्थ = स्व+स्थ"  That is, to settle into one's own form.

Maharishi Kapil Muni is giving the answer in the 34th sutra of the second chapter of Sankhya Darshan in this way.

🌷तन्निवृत्तौ उपशान्तोपराग: स्वस्थ:। (Sankhya 2/34)

i.e. When the instincts of the senses are removed from the materialistic subjects, then that state without attachment and aversion is said to be healthy. After that, the sense of  unconscious in the conscious and the  conscious in the unconscious which remains due to ignorance will not there, but the feeling of the conscious in the conscious will be there and that state is called staying of soul into one's own form. That is, who is situated in oneself is 'healthy'. Maharishi Kapil is saying so. This is a very high state and a very great definition which is attained by self-realization after Samadhi when all senses related to the subject are removed.

If someone is considered healthy on this basis, then he can be a yogi or a sage. No one else in this world is healthy .


Who is healthy according to Charak Samhita, the greatest scripture of Ayurved?
The sages of Ayurved symbolically answering this question being spoken by birds

🌷हितभुक् मितभुक् ऋतभुक्
One who eats healthy food, that is who eat in proper quantity, Sattvik(simple food), nutritious, considering the nature of his own body and the nature of the food, diligently, earned by honesty will not be sick.

Maharishi Charak of Ayurved said it this way-  

🌷हिताहारा मिताहारा अल्पाहारा च ये जना:। न च वैद्या:चिकित्सन्ति: आत्मनस्थे चिकित्सका:।‌

That is, those who eat the food which is healthy, earned diligently and honestly, eat less food than hunger, they do not need any doctor. They are  doctors in them self.


Foundation of healthy living (स्वस्थ जीवन का आधार)

The health of all human beings is seen on four levels.

  1. Physical health

  2. Mental health

  3. Intellectual health

  4. Spiritual health

Somewhere it is classified/described in two ways.

  1. Physical health

  2. Mental health

If one wants to be physically fit, then he should always remember that the basis of our healthy body is healthy mind, healthy intellect and healthy senses.
That is, the basis of the physical body is the subtle body. If one wants a healthy body, first he has to make his mind, his intellect, his senses healthy and pure. Without doing this his body cannot remain healthy.
The root cause of all diseases is the crime of wisdom, that is, uncontrolled thoughts, restlessness, lust, anger, greed, attachment, jealousy, malice, ego, madness etc. disorders have to be removed, then the body will be healthy.


Brief introduction of three bodies and Panchkosha(तीन शरीर व पंचकोश का संक्षिप्त परिचय)

Before making ourselves healthy, it is also very important to know that what we really are means a collection or set of which things. What are the things associated with our existence, which is very important to be healthy. The body is not only visible from the outside, not only the skin and body of flesh, a lot is connected with it. Let us talk about this today.

The body is that in which the soul along with the senses, mind, intellect, ego resides. There are three types of bodies. Whatever all the people of the world understand, but even today this world is a substance. We can test, observe, examine it. Therefore, we should become our own scientists and observe our body and the invisible body situated in it like a laboratory. Our ancient sages made this a laboratory and inspected it completely, after that they divided this body into three parts in meditation.

1. Sthool sharir (Physical Body)- This body is comprised of the physical senses or to say that the sphere of the senses. Which is caused by Vaat, Pitt, Kaph. These Vaat, Pitt, Kaph are called metals. When there is an imbalance in them, then the body becomes sick. Because there is asymmetry in them, so they are called defects, not metals. Apart from these, there are seven metals inside the body. This physical body is made and deteriorate, is generated and destroyed. If it is healthy, the soul remains happy and if it is sick, the soul becomes unhappy. The laws of its making and deteriorating are divine.
This physical body is made up of the Panchamahabhutas i.e. earth, water, fire, air and sky. It moves or stops on the basis of these Panchmahabhutas. This body is inert and visible. It has various components and physical senses. We get this body from our parents. If the body becomes healthy or unhealthy, then in that way the soul continues to receive happiness and sorrow. It is nurtured by the substances of nature. Whatever we eat and drink has its consequences on our physical body and other senses. Therefore, it is necessary to control these substances. Along with these seven metals, there are many types of stools in the body, heat is also there. All this is going to be visible. In this, the digestion system, respiratory system, blood circulation system etc. work.

2. Sukshma Sharir (Subtle body) – This body is not visible. That is why it is called the subtle body. The dream state is proof of this. Or say that it is visible to everyone in the dream. Close your eyes and concentrate your mind even in the awake state and remember your parents, sons and daughters etc. Their picture will be revealed in front of you. Concentrating your mind, remember an incident from your home, school or childhood. Whatever you remember about the fields, the gardens, the rivers, the trees, etc., whatever you desire, all those things will be visible to you. But to see it, it is necessary to have concentration of mind and introvert tendency. This manifestation of the subtle body occurs even in the awake state. The same happens in the dream state. The subtle body which is not visible is also inert i.e. made of the elements of inanimate Prakriti. It has the Gyanendriya(sense organs), Karmendriya (means of action, i.e mouth, hands, feet, excretion and reproduction system). And the mind, the intellect and Chitt(part of mind where memory is stored) is also there. These three elements are like a block box of an airplane, in which many bodies were formed before today and many bodies will be formed in future will be present in the form of memories in the subtle body.
The subtle body does not come from the parents. It goes with the soul even after death and comes with the soul at birth. It is formed by the combination of these 3 Gunas(qualities) i.e. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. This is what is called conscience. It is an internal tool. In this, षड् रिपु means six enemies(Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Arrogance, Jealousy) also reside. This body can also be unhealthy. Depending on its healthy ness or unhealthiness, the soul gets pleasure or pain. This subtle body accompanies the soul. Unless the soul is liberated, this subtle body cannot be released from the soul.
The physical body becomes sick later, but the subtle body becomes vicious first. Therefore, the basis of the health of the physical body is a healthy subtle body. First the subtle body should be made healthy. First the base (subtle body) should be kept healthy, after that the supported thing (physical body) remains healthy.

3. Karan Sharir (Causal body)- The causal body located in the body also plays a very important role. It is finely made. It remains in the equilibrium state of nature, that is, in the same state as the smallest fundamental particles of the world. It is always with the soul. This root is the subtlest form of nature itself. It is clear that Sattva, Raja and Tama are called causal bodies. This is experienced in the state of deep sleep or the state of dormancy. The soul says - 'Wake up', this command is given by soul through the Karan sharir(causal body). The soul is situated in the causal body.

With these subtle and causal bodies the soul passes from one body to another.

Panchkosh -
There are 5 Koshas in our body.

  1. Annamaya Kosh

  2. Pranamaya Kosh

  3. Manomaya Kosh

  4. Vijnanamaya Kosh

  5. Anandamaya Kosh

1. Annamaya Kosh - One who survives on food, such a physical body is called Annamaya Kosh. It is visual and physical. This Kosh is the wealth of the physical body and is a part of matter.

2. Pranamaya Kosh - It is dependent on prana(life force) and air, hence it also gets formed and deteriorates. The element connecting the physical body, the subtle body, the causal body and the soul is called prana.
If there is prana(life force), there is a life, otherwise death is immutable. Prana is also received from the Supreme Soul. The one whose vitality is strong is the one who is powerful. Keeping the mind, senses, intellect etc. pure, doing good deeds with them and maintaining restraint etc. all these things are possible only because of Prana. When Prana is controlled, all others are under control. We can experience this through Pranayama. The main five pranas and five upapranas together constitute 10 pranas. These ten pranas are inert, invisible and have come into the light. After God, Prana is the biggest deity for the living beings in this world.  If it is not there, if it is spoiled, then everything gets spoiled. everything goes. That's why the protection of life force is done first.

3. Manomaya Kosh - in which resolutions and options always arise. Such a combination of mind and intellect is called manomaya kosha. Six enemies - षड् रिपु means six enemies(Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Arrogance, Jealousy), fear, doubt, egoism, laziness, incautiousness etc. are also there in it. This too is inert and invisible. Everyone experiences this too. There is a lot of emotion in it.

4. Vijnanamaya Kosh - Vigyanamaya kosh is beyond resolution-options. Recognizing subtle forms by the intellect and revealing substances comes under it. The realization of the truth of every substance occurs through this. The science of every substance is known. The subtle intellect works, when we increase the concentration of the mind with an introverted tendency, reach the truth, then only we get special knowledge. This Vijnanmaya kosh is closer to the soul and the Supreme Soul, because it is like showing an object lying in darkness with a "lamp".

5. Anandamaya Kosh - When we enter into the anandamaya kosh, we attain bliss. In this kosh, the soul and God are the only two things. The conscious merges into the super conscious. One is the subtle, atomic dimensional soul and the other is the omnipresent conscious Supreme Soul, both of them are eternal. People have considered both as one. Out of these two, one is the seeker and the other is the end. One is the giver of happiness and the other is hungry for happiness. One is omniscient and the other is ignorant. One, dwells in one place and the other is omnipresent. One takes birth and takes a body, while the other is unborn. One who does karma(action) is the one who experiences happiness and sorrow., the other is the one who arranges the fruits of karma and does not experience happiness and sorrow. Anandamaya kosh is the medium to bring these two closer together.

When we are introverted by stopping the extroverted tendency of the mind, then we reveal all these koshas. Except Annamaya kosh, all other koshas are invisible. Even in deep sleep, we over come all these koshas. When we go through these koshas one after the other by becoming introverted, then we will be able to enter the Anandamaya kosh and get the experience of maximum bliss. Such a bliss, such a special pleasure which is not in any physical substance. The soul is hungry for the attainment of this bliss only. In this Anandamaya kosh, wherever the soul is, there is also the Supreme Soul. One conscious power becomes manifest with another super conscious power. The knowledgeable element approaches the blissful element and attains bliss. That bliss is attained by approaching God with effort and in a meditative manner. This bliss is attained even in deep sleep, but in the absence of knowledge, the soul does not feel that bliss there. It is same as if someone had buried a lot of wealth in the ground under his house and forgot it, then because of not being able to retrieve that forgotten treasure, he has become poor and deprived of happiness. Like some other person may have put money in our pocket and we are not aware of it and we are getting confused about them and don't know have money in our pocket. In the same way, even though the lord of bliss is closest to us, one is deprived of it due to not being able to worship him properly. God's attainment will be happen in these koshas only. One can feel him here only. God always gives good inspiration to the soul from within and also says 'don't do this'. Not only this, he also generates fear, doubt and shame from inside while working against Yam and Niyam. And also gives fearlessness, joy, enthusiasm, peace, contentment, fulfillment for good deeds from within. Further give commands to the soul, mind and senses. Whenever a difficult time comes, his answer as well as a solution is very important, then we contemplate inwardly. When we contemplate with a concentrated mind, the solution comes from within. Through this contemplation, the sages in the state of samadhi also learned the meaning of the Ved mantras from God.


Difference between pleasure and convenience (सुख व सुविधा का भेद)

Pleasure and convenience are basically the difference that convenience can make life easier if facilities are used wisely. But it is not necessary that you will get happiness from facilities. Sometimes the suffering is more than the facilities. You can understand it in such a way that facilities provide immediate happiness and long term sorrow also. All the materialistic pleasures of the world are sorrows mixed. This is not to say that worldly pleasures should not be taken at all or should hate them. Here it means that we should not get attached to all materialistic pleasures even while enjoying them. We use the resources of the world with the spirit of "तेन त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा..".


Ways to stay healthy (स्वस्थ रहने के उपाय या नियम)

  1. Do meditate of God everyday.

  2. Do yoga exercise daily.

  3. Consume sunlight daily.

  4. Perform purification or yajna daily.

  5. Every day giving portion of food to any animal, bird or destitute.

  6. Eating a Sattvik and balanced diet.

  7. Have patience and confidence.

  8. To make friends with positive, masculine and enthusiastic people.

  9. Respect your elders, your parents, guardians, teachers.

  10. Take proper rest

  11. To practice abstinence/celibacy.

  12. Follow Ashtang Yog.

By doing all these measures, a person remains healthy and if he has any unwell ness, then by following these rules, he starts recovering slowly.


Four places of creation of children (human) (बच्चों के (मानव) के निर्माण के चार स्थान)

Womb - The formation of a man starts when he comes in the womb of the mother. That first place of life affects his future the most. The mother's diet, activities, thoughts, behavior, associations, conduct, self-cultivation, Sandhya(worship of God) etc. during pregnancy effects the child more or less.

Gotra  This is the second stage of child formation. Gotra means lap. When the child is in the mother's lap, the mother is his first teacher, who starts teaching him. From there he starts having knowledge of health, culture, language, philosophy etc. In the lap itself, the child starts listening to good poems, stories, verses, mantras through lullabies of mother. Which increases his imagination. His mind develops.

Home  This is the third stage of human creation. When the child gets down from the mother's lap and starts playing on the ground. At home, take a walk in the courtyard. Then he starts learning by observing the behavior of parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts etc. At that time there is the biggest impact on the mind of the child. He starts doing what he sees. Therefore, even if a small child is walking nearby, he is seeing and hearing this. Keeping this in mind, in ancient times, kop buildings were built in the houses so that when an elder person gets angry, then the wrong impression is not left in front of the children.

Gurukul  - This is the fourth stage of human life, when he goes away from his parents, away from home, for studies, then there the Acharya teaches the child to chant and worship God with the meaning of Gayatri Mantra and perform the sacrificial rites. After studying the Vedas for many years continuously, when he graduates, then it is called his second birth. Then he becomes a superior human.


In this way, in the creation of human beings, the parents and teachers have to work wisely and consciously at these four levels, then a human is formed.

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