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Intelect, Nature of intellect, Intelligence, intellectual, Functions of the intellect, Who wields the intellect, Types of intelligence, Ways to increase intelligence

Intellect (बुद्धि)

As soon as the intellect is called, the brain located in the head comes to our attention. This brain is the physical intellect. The subtle intellect i.e. discretion, which decides the worthy and the unworthy, is not visible. Pure intellect can acquire knowledge of subtle subjects also. The function of the intellect is to acquire knowledge. Whether this thing is useful or harmful, that is to judge. That's why it can also be called a tester.


Nature of intellect (बुद्धि का स्वरूप)

Intellect is also inert means a disorder of the Prakriti. This is the first disorder of Prakriti. It is explained by Vijnanamaya Kosh. Intelligence is not conscious. Everyone's intellect is inert in nature. By the way, due to lack of philosophical thinking in public behavior, the intellect of foolish people is addressed as inanimate intellect. While the intellect of all is inanimate, it is not conscious. The intellect of the one who is intelligent is also inert. Like the mind, the intellect is also an instrument, a subtle instrument by which various functions are performed.


Functions of the intellect (बुद्धि के कार्य)

To possess imperishable pure knowledge is the dharm of the intellect. The place of devotion, faith, belief etc. is intellect. Maharishi Kapil has said in Sankhya Darshan  "अध्यवसायो बुद्धि:" means the name of the instrument that determines is intellect.
The function of the intellect is to decide.

Who wields the intellect? (बुद्धि को चलाने वाला कौन?)

The one who takes work from the intellect is the Chetan i.e. soul.  

When the intellect deteriorates, it can call truth as false, good as bad and bad as good. When the intellect becomes impure, it likes bad thoughts. So it is not able to take proper decision. There is a good or bad effect on the intellect of diet, routine, conduct, thoughts, property and resources.

Intellect is also of two types, physical and subtle. Only the intellect which is under the control of the soul is able to take good decisions.


Types of intelligence (बुद्धि के प्रकार)

There are many types of intelligence like Medha, Pragya, Ritambhara etc. At the highest level of intelligence there is only happiness. There is no consequence of humiliation and the behavior of the external world on the wise and intelligent persons.
Man goes mad due to the deterioration of intelligence. He behaves inappropriately. The intellect also deteriorates due to the influence of bad company, reading bad books, bad karma etc. and also due to influence of lust, anger, greed, attachment, jealousy, malice etc. Mentality, emotion, impulses also effect the intellect. Constipation and nerve fiber block also result on the intellect.
The stability of the intellect is the sign of health.


Ways to increase intelligence (बुद्धि बढ़ाने के उपाय)

The intellect becomes pure by following a sattvik diet and good conduct, keeping restraint on emotions and senses, sitting in the company of God and being in the company of good men, following God's rules, according to his orders, for his pleasure etc. primitive actions. Pranayama, meditation etc. are especially beneficial for this. Due to pranayama, the intellect becomes pure by destroying the impurity. Prakriti is the device, the soul is the seeker and God is the end, one should understand this completely. There should be an understanding of who is for whom. The great work of knowing this is of the intellect. Wisdom does a great job of averting sorrow. Therefore, to keep the intellect healthy and happy, the rules must be followed strictly. This is what is called Dharm. One should invest his intellect in Dharm only. One should be saved from iniquity. Apart from this, daily self-study and satsang(good accompaniment) must be done in some form or the other.
There is no doubt that the intellect becomes pure and subtle even by chanting the Gayatri Mantra meaningfully.

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