🌷परित्राणाय साधूनाम् विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ।।
In the previous parts of this series, you read that God listens to the prayers of all of us, whatever we say to God in our mind (without speaking), He listens, but we do not listen to the inspiration message/order that He gives in our mind. How He is protecting everyone etc. you have read.
moving further...
No human wants to die, but one day or the other, everyone dies. Seeing death, the thought definitely comes in everyone's mind that someone very powerful, super powerful is going to cause death, who can kill anyone at any place, does not leave anyone. This shows that He resides everywhere; no one is far from Him!
The people who fear God that He sees us at all times, from all sides, this whole world is pervaded by God i.e. He is present everywhere, in this way knowing that all-pervading God one never commits violence. They, being religious, flourish in this world and spiritual growth after this birth and live in bliss forever who listen to the inspiration of God.
There is no need to go out to find Him, but knowledge is needed.If there is a lot of gold hidden under the ground where you are sitting in your house and you do not know, means, if you have ignorance, then you will continue to live in poverty and sorrow for the rest of your life. But if you get to know that so much treasure is buried under you, then you will dig it out and remove the sorrow of poverty. Similarly, God is a matter of search, not of belief. Just Accepted and got? This can never happen. One has to search and the search is done by the one who is contemplative, knowledgeable. One who is ignorant and does not think can never find Him...
To be continue...
Acharya Lokendra