Sanatan Dharm (सनातन धर्म)
The one who has been running since time immemorial is Sanatan. The Vedic Dharm is the Sanatan Dharm, because it has always been there. It is universal (for all), eternal (at all times), universal (at all places), scientific, logical and not against the law of creation.
Sanatan Dharm is from the beginning of the universe. It was also there in the previous universe. If we look at its time in this creation, even then since the first time man opened his eyes in the world, till now and as long as this world remains, only Sanatan Dharm will remain. No matter how many births take place, no matter how many sects/creeds/religion will arise, still Sanatan Vedic Dharm will always be there.
Sanatan Dharm never originated because it is eternal and the eternal divine religion does not arise. And what is not born does not perish either. What is produced perishes. Therefore Sanatan Dharm is a collection of divine laws which can never be abolished.
Sanatan Dharm is not a religion. Not even a sect. This is not creed, cult, or even mazhab. This is the universal true law. The oldest Dharm of the world is 'Vedic Dharm'. This is what is called Sanatan Dharm.
What is Dharm? / Definition of Vedic Dharm (धर्म क्या है? / वैदिक धर्म की परिभाषा)
First of all, it is very important to know the etymology and meaning of the word 'Dharm'.
"धर्म = धृ+मन्" , that is, the word "Dharm" is formed by applying the suffix 'मन्' in the verb 'धृ'. which means to hold. "धार्यते इति धर्म:" means that which can be imbibed is Dharm.
Now the question arises, which one to imbibe? So the answer is to imbibe your virtues. Every thing and living being in the world has its own welfare qualities, actions and nature which can be imbibed. The mixed form of all these is called Dharm.
For example, the quality of the sun or fire is to give light, flammability, to rise and to give heat. This is the Dharm of fire. The property of water is to give coolness, to flow down and to moisten and to provide cleanliness. This is the Dharm of water. Similarly, the quality of air is drying and giving life. This is the Dharm of air. The quality of the sky is emptiness, that is, the empty space in which it holds air. This quality is the Dharm of the sky. The property of the earth is bulkiness and production. This is the Dharm of the earth. The quality of trees is to give pure air, fruits, flowers, medicines etc. This is the Dharm of trees. Similarly, human beings also have some special qualities, actions, nature, which are different from other inanimate and animate worlds. Therefore, it is the Dharm of man to imbibe the qualities, deeds and nature which are beneficial to the world.
Various definitions of Dharm are contained in the scriptures, which are the welfare path of all-round progress, providing happiness, peace, joy to all. Where there is Dharm, there is health. There is security. There is welfare. Therefore it has been said about Dharm in the scriptures that
🌷एक एव सुहृद्धर्मो निधने अपि अनुयाति य:। शरीरेण समं नाशं सर्वमन्यद्धि गच्छति।। (Manu.33)
That is, Dharm is the only true friend in this world, which goes along with it even after death, everything else ends with the destruction of the body.
Similar to these logical definitions of God and divine knowledge, the definition of Dharm given by Swami Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati in "Swamantavymantvya" is very intelligent and universally acceptable. According to him, the name of the commands like justice conduct without bias, truth speech etc. prescribed by the Vedas is Dharm. On this criterion, other human-made religions cannot be universal, that is, welfare for all, as the Vedic Dharm can be. We can call them creed, sects, Mazhab, religion or their views, but that is not a Dharm. How can ideas which are opposed to each other be a Dharm?
Regarding Dharm it is written in the Anushasan Parv of Mahabharat-
🌷अहिंसा परमो धर्मस्तथा परं तप:। अहिंसा परमं सत्यं यतो धर्म: प्रवर्तते।। (115/23)
Non-violence is the ultimate Dharm, non-violence is the ultimate austerity, and non-violence is the ultimate truth, because by that only tendency of Dharm happens.
In Vaisheshik Darshan, Maharishi Kanad is giving the definition of Dharm -
🌷यतोभ्युदयनि:श्रेयस सिद्धि: स धर्म:। (1/1/2)
That is, the one which gives us materialistic progress, fame and success and paves the way for liberation is Dharm.
Defining Dharm, Manu Maharaj writes
🌷धृति: क्षमा दमो अस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रह:। धीर्विद्या सत्यं अक्रोधो दशकं धर्म लक्षणम्।। (Manu Smriti 6/92)
Dhriti - patience means to be patient in adversity,
Kshama- to accept the appropriate forgiveness,
Dam - control over the mind, that is, to stop the mind from evil thoughts,
Asteya - not stealing,
Shauch - purity of body, mind, speech and deeds,
Indriya Nigrah - control of the senses,
Dhi - good sense,
Vidya - acquisition and application of public welfare knowledge,
Satya - what is in the soul, is in the mind that is what spoken by speech,
Akrodh - don't be angry.
These are the 10 characteristics of Dharm. In whatever degree one has the characteristics of Dharm, he is religious in that much degree. Any person in the world can be 100% religious, but cannot be 100% irreligious.
🌷वेद: स्मृति: सदाचार: स्वस्य च प्रियमात्मन:। एतच्चतुर्विधं प्राहु साक्षाद्धर्म लक्षणम्।। ( Manu Smriti 2/12)
Vedas, Smriti, conduct of gentlemen and conduct dear to one's soul. These are also the four characteristics of Dharm. It is from these that Dharm is known and is determined. If anyone wants to know Dharm, then he should first know these four, because these shows Dharm.
Describing what is the root of Dharm, Manu Maharaj writes-
🌷वेदोअखिलो धर्ममूलं स्मृतिशीले च तद्विदाम्। आचारश्चैव साधुनामात्मनस्तुष्टिरेव च।। (Manu Smriti 2/6)
That is, the four Vedas and the Vedantic smritis or theology composed by Vedic scholars and their noble nature, the best conduct of the good men, the happiness of one's soul i.e. the work in which there is no fear, doubt, shame or where the soul experiences happiness is the root and basis of Dharm.
One thing is coming out directly from all these definitions that the practice of which one can attain special happiness in the world and even after death is Dharm. On the contrary, the act which leads to misery by conducting it is Adharm.
Apart from this, the biggest Dharm according to the Upanishads-
🌷न हि सत्यात्परो धर्मो नानृतात्पातकंपरम्। न हि सत्यात्परं ज्ञानं तस्मात्सत्यस्य समाचरेत्।।
That is, there is no Dharm greater than truth and no sin greater than lie, and there is no knowledge greater than truth. Therefore everyone should practice the truth.
Just as respect and law do not differentiate between poor, rich or sects like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc., similarly Dharm is also same for all. Speaking the truth, not stealing, increasing knowledge, respecting elders, etc., are considered good by all sects and all castes. And telling lies, stealing, deceiving others, hating others, insulting parents, etc., are considered bad by all sects and all castes. These are the real characteristics of Dharma and Adharma. On the basis of these, human beings experience happiness and sorrow. On the basis of these there is respect or humiliation in the society. This made it clear that Dharm is not for robbing others. It is not the thing to distort human society by creating ostentation and tussling with each other, but Dharm is a thing to be imbibed in one's life. This also proves that Dharm should be kept separate from creed, sect, Mazhab, religion for the protection of Dharm and the eradication of unrighteousness because Dharm protects us.
🌷धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षित:। तस्मात्धर्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्मो यथोवधीत्।।
That is, the dead Dharm kills the person who kills (violating) Dharm. One who protects Dharma, the Dharm that is protected protects the one who protects. Therefore, Dharm should be protected diligently so that the dead Dharm does not kill us.
Nowadays there is no scriptural pure form of Dharm and Adharm in front of people. That's why religion has been limited to just symbols and temples, mosques. Which has nothing to do with Dharm. And the misfortune of man is that by giving the name of Dharm to imaginary ideas, they are promoting this hypocrisy themselves by beating the drum of secularism. Whereas no one can be secular. Everyone should be religious. Secular means against Dharm i.e. with Adharm. Which is certainly a fallacious and destructive idea. The level of education has fallen so much that till date all the governments of the world together have not been able to give even a single definition of Dharm. And to hide his own rudeness, man is not gathering courage to say wrong is wrong in the race of modernity.
Is there only one Dharm or many? (धर्म एक है या अनेक?)
Dharm cannot be two. Dharm is only one and eternal. When the science of matter cannot be two, then how can the science of soul be two? When the science outside is not two then how can the science of inside be two? When the science of the matter is not two, then the science of the subtle cannot be two. Thus Dharm is an eternal concept whose knowledge should be free from bias and it is. The rules of humanity and virtue enshrined in the Vedas are the Dharm. Which has nothing to do with any particular sect or creed. Today the interpretation of Dharm and the exhortation of secularism is nothing but a mere political sham. Under the guise of which political organizations fulfill their selfish interests. Humanity and virtue is the real form of Vedic Dharm. This Dharm and message of Vedas for human beings has been going on from the beginning of the creation till today, those who followed the path of it got the benefit of it and they are still present in front of human society. Those who are following the path of this Dharm today will also benefit from it in future.
For all human beings in all countries do the laws of science differ? Is the weight in 1 kilogram in India more or less in China or Pakistan, in America it is more or less? If all the laws of science are same everywhere, in India also there are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer and in all the countries of the earth also follow the same rule. Everywhere in Pakistan, America etc. 1 kilometer is equal to everyone. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen are used in the process of formation of water. So does this law of becoming water apply to Hindus, Muslims or only in India or all the people of the world believe in this H2O everywhere?
When all the laws of science are the same everywhere, then the laws of spirituality must of course be the same and certainly they are. Vedic Dharm is the only scientific Dharm whose rules are universal(for all), eternal(at all times), universal(at all places).
Difference between Dharm and Religion/Sects (धर्म और मत/मजहब में अंतर)
To conduct according to the Vedas is Dharm and to conduct contrary to it is Adharm, because Vedas are the knowledge of God. The Vedic Dharm which is found in the beginning of the universe, is the only Dharm. It is the Dharm of all. All sects or thoughts other than Vedic Dharm are a book of mixed knowledge derived from man's own imagination. Such as Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism etc.
At present all these sects/creeds call themselves Dharm. Unfortunately many people also call these sects as Dharm due to ignorance, selfishness and prejudice. There are fierce differences among all these sects/creeds/religions.
There are three bases to these sects.
texts and
worship system
At present, the founders, texts and method of worship of all religions/Mazhab or sects are different. There can never be unity among different faiths. All fights happen only when the views are opposite. Dharm is the same for all, because the truth rules on which the interpretation of Dharm is based are acceptable to all. But due to conflict of opinion in the sects, they cannot be universal(for all), eternal(at all times), universal(at all places).
The main differences between Dharm and sect are as follows-
Dharm considers only God as supreme, but the faith/sect/creed considers only its founder as supreme.
Dharm only considers the Vedas as its most ideal scripture, but the communal people consider the text of their founder's education as their ideal.
Dharm is based on the laws of God, but sect/Mazhab is based on the belief of a human being.
Dharm wants the welfare of all human beings, all beings other than humans and all material-conscious things and does. But the sect wants and does only the welfare of his followers or supporters.
There is no place for mutual differences and conflicts in Dharm, but people of one sect fight with people of other sect.
In Dharm only one God is worshipped. That is why he is not seen with an inferior view, but the followers of one sect look at the worship system etc. of the followers of the other sect with an inferior view.
Dharm is always the one. It is equal and best for all. But there are many sects. Not equal and authentic for everyone. Followers of every sect consider themselves superior and others as inferior.
Dharm is completely scientific, universal(for all), eternal(at all times), universal(at all places). Whereas the sect is full of unscientific, paralogism, superstition and imaginary stories.
Dharm cannot be converted. There may be a change of sect.
Why only Vedas as scripture? (धर्म ग्रंथ वेद ही क्यों?)
Because the one who without partiality and with justice teaches all the acceptance of truth and utter abandonment of untruth should be considered as a scripture. Which can be accepted by all the people of the world, which is not against everyone, which is for the welfare of living beings, in which there is no discrimination of any human being on account of country, caste, language, colour, form etc., that can only be Dharm.
Vedas are the thoughts given by God in the heart of the sages at the beginning of the creation, which shows man the way of salvation, teaches the way of living. To follow the message of Vedas for freedom from sorrow and attainment of eternal bliss is the Dharm.
Now the question arises that even the believers of Quran, Bible etc. can say that there should be no doubt in our book too! But what is against science, logic and intelligence, against the laws of nature, a person cannot be satisfied. Should there be historical events in the scripture?
Of course no! Because there was no history in the beginning of creation.
Whereas in these Quran, Puranas, Bibles, etc. there are historical Story, fairy tales, fiction stories, against science there are ghosts, demons, witches etc. and do not know what kind of superstition and hypocrisy they are full of. Which are against each other, and cannot be acceptable to any intelligent person. Therefore, because there are no fiction stories in the Vedas, it is a universal law. Why did we come into the world, what is the purpose of human life, how to accomplish that objective, what are the obstacles, how to overcome those obstacles etc. things are there in the Vedas in the form of process-prohibition i.e. to do this, not to do this. This will bring happiness, this will bring sorrow. Which is worth to imbibe is only there in the Vedas, that is Dharm.
If people of all sects, creeds, religion started telling their respective prophet's books as religious texts, then this sects have come into existence within 2-4 thousand years only. Whereas this universe is one billion 96 crore years old. So the people before these sects were kept without Dharm by God? It would be a utter injustice to the early man! God can not do so that inspire about Dharma and Adharm after half the creation has passed and the people who were born in the beginning of the world may not have even the slightest knowledge of it. Because God is just, he gives knowledge of Dharm along with the origin of man. Which is invariably only the knowledge of Vedas.
Place of logic in Dharm (धर्म में तर्क का स्थान)
🌷य:तर्केण अनुसंधत्ते स धर्मं वेद न इतर:
That is, one who researches/discovers by reasoning, who decides after considering with intellect, only he can know Dharm, he has knowledge of Dharm, (न इतर:) not to others.
Without logic, Dharm becomes synonymous with superstition and fanaticism. Which certainly leads to downfall and destruction. Nowadays, from parents, guardians to many storytellers, preachers also say the same thing that do not question Dharm! Admit! Believe what it is, lock the door of your intellect along with eyes too and come, sit down, don't question Dharm! In Katha pandals and temples, mosques etc., along with slippers and shoes, take out the intellect / logic outside the door.
Why? Why brother? Then why did God give wisdom?
Is it therefore to be used only to increase unrighteousness? Because if people don't raise questions, they won't even have to answer. Because to answer, one has to read the Vedas. It takes hard work and doesn't want to read that. Just want to rob. In the name of Dharm, in the name of Mazhab, only one's selfish interests have to be fulfilled. Therefore, if any question arises, then the abbot does not want himself to be in a illiterate, helpless state. So refuse to argue. This is the reality. Otherwise the Vedic Dharm says that first by reasoning, become pure knowledgeable. Pure knowledge, then pure action, then only pure worship should be done. Only then the true form of Dharm comes out. Only a religious man, with the help of all, get rid from sins and attains God in the afterlife.
Who is the founder of Sanatan Dharm? (सनातन धर्म के संस्थापक कौन है?)
The founder of Sanatan Dharm is not a human being. It believes in divine knowledge/rules or Vedas. The Vedas were not created by any human being. Man must have written the Vedas in the form of a book, but his knowledge is divine. There is no name of any founder or author on the book of Vedas. In the state of samadhi, at the beginning of the creation, the Supreme Father Himself gave the knowledge of Vedas to the first four great human beings in their conscience, which is forever. That is Sanatan. Therefore, the founder or author of Sanatan Dharm is not a human being.
Principles of Sanatan Dharm (सनातन धर्म के सिद्धांत)
The principles of Vedic Dharm are the principles of Sanatan Dharm. Which believes in the separate existence of God, soul and Prakriti. The souls are innumerable, they have bodies. As the result of sins and virtues, they experience happiness and sorrow. This Prakriti is inert, inanimate, it becomes the instrument of the soul and God is the master, creator, organizer, destroyer, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent of the world. The rules of Sanatan Dharm are the same as those mentioned in Vedas, Darshan, Smritis and Upanishads. The basic mantra of Sanatan Dharm is Gayatri Mantra which is also known as Mahamantra.
According to the Gita, performing one's duties is Dharm. Lord Shri Krishna also gives the teachings of Gita to Arjun to protect Dharm. Everyone should do his duty. To behave according to the Vedas is the teaching of the Gita. That is Dharm.
In Sanatan Dharm, 33 types of deities are worshiped, in which both the inert and the conscious deities are there. But only God is considered worthy of worship. That Om is to be worshipped. Even in Kalyug, we should respect all our deities, that is, respect everyone and should always worship God.
Where there is no role of Sanatan Dharm, culture, education, health, politics, everything is moving towards destruction. Where they believe in the knowledge of Sanatan Dharm, there is non-violence, truth, non-stealing, Brahmacharya, non-possessiveness, Shauch(purity), satisfaction, austerity, Swadhyay and true devotion to God. Otherwise the flame of enjoyment all around and with cheers of enjoyment, without devotion, directionless, by materialistic science the world is going into the ocean of sorrow.
Does Sanatan Dharm believe in God? (क्या सनातन धर्म ईश्वर में विश्वास रखता है?)
The reality is that Sanatan Dharm only believes in the true God. It believes that God is one, is creator and omnipresent. He gives the fruits of good and bad deeds of all. His own name is Om .
What is the difference between Hinduism and Sanatan Dharm? (हिंदू धर्म व सनातन धर्म में क्या अंतर है?)
The word Hindu is not originally a Sanskrit word. This word is not in the Vedas. It is a name given by the Mughals. It is from the Arabic language, but at present, people who believe in Sanatan Dharm culture have accepted it since the time of the Mughals. It was a huge mistake of the Aryas to say and accept themselves to be Hindus. Because Arya means superior and son of God, whereas the word Hindu was initially a secondary word i.e. discarded word. Its meaning is also not very good. But even today the original religious text of Hindus or Aryas is the Vedas. Those Aryas consider King Purushottam Lord Shri Ramchandra and Yogiraj Shri Krishna as ideal men.
What is Sanatan Dharm and Hindutva? (सनातन धर्म और हिंदुत्व क्या है?)
Those who believe in Sanatan Dharm are called Hindus today and the word Hindu is considered synonymous with Sanatan Dharm in the world today. Hindutva is a quality residing within the Hindu, which is not separate from the word. Though the word Hindu, Hindutva is not according to scripture, it is desirable to take the meaning of that word as it is prevalent in the world. Therefore, here we can take the same closest meaning of Sanatan/Hindu Dharm/Hindutva.
Note-: The perversions of Hindu Dharm, the doctrine against the Vedas and the contrary conduct should not be seen in relation to Sanatan Dharm.
Which is the Hindu scripture? / Which is the holy book of India? (हिंदू का ग्रंथ कौन सा है?/भारत का पवित्र ग्रंथ कौन सा है?)
Hindu/Arya follows Sanatan Vedic Dharm. The Vedas, Darshan etc. of Sanatan Dharm are the original texts of the Hindus/Aryas. Vedas are the highest and most sacred texts of India and of the whole world. The Hindus/Aryas consider the Vedas to be the creation of God. That is why Vedas are also called Apaurusheya because no human has given the knowledge of Vedas. This divine knowledge is eternal.
How many scriptures are there in Hindu/Sanatan Dharm? (हिंदू/सनातन धर्म में कितने ग्रंथ है?)
In Sanatan Dharm, there are four Vedas, four Upavedas, Vedangas, Upanishads, Smritis, Brahman texts etc. There is a great scriptural tradition which is sufficient for salvation. Apart from this, the historical text Ramayana based on the life of Suryavanshi Chakravarti king Lord Shri Ramchandra of Tretayug of Hindu or Sanatani and the great text of the life of Chandravanshi Yogiraj Shri Krishna from Dwaparyug is Jayasamhita or Mahabharat the unique truth story which is also called the fifth Veda.
What are the six scriptures? (छ: शास्त्र कौन-कौन से हैं?)
Yog Darshan, Sankhya Darshan, Nyaya Darshan, Vaisheshik Darshan, Vedanta and Mimamsa Darshan. These are the six scriptures of Sanatan/Hindus. Which is based on the Vedas and explains/guides the whole life.
What does Hindu mean? (हिंदू का क्या अर्थ है?)
Hindu means pagan/kafir in Arabic language. The word Hindu is used in the Arabic language for the irreligious. This must of course be unacceptable.
We are Aryas. The word Arya appears 31 times in Rigved, whereas the word Hindu does not occur even once. There is no word Hindu in Vedas, Shastras, Upanishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat also. In Valmiki Ramayan, Mother Sita used to call Shri Ram as Arya. The word Arya is a sign of superiority. One who is virtuous, is excellent in qualities, does not do unworkable in spite of objection, he is called Arya.
If the word Hindu is to be interpreted anew, keeping in mind the Sanskrit language, then revered Acharya Anand Prakash ji has told it in a very beautiful way-
🌷हिनस्ति दुष्टानि हिनस्ति दुर्गुणानि हिनस्ति दुरितानि इति वा स हिन्दु:।
That is, the one who destroys the enemies of the society and nation, removes his vices, removes disorders, removes the social evils is a Hindu. This definition may be acceptable to all. But not acceptable in Arabic language definition.